Characterizing the Wireless Environment

6G will have to support extreme communication requirements and schedule the shared resources between even more devices. To make this efficient, the network must observe the real environment in even more granularity.

6G Graphic
Wireless Environment Characterisation Fraunhofer FOKUS

The sensitivity of the network can be increased for properties visible at the device or at the network level, including:

  • Information available from the different sensors within the UE which could lead to a better characterization of the user mobility e.g. accelerometer, movement sensors, etc.
  • Signal strength measurements – enabling the understanding of the communication environment in a specific position, especially important when the communication is executed in a massive MIMO environment
  • Network sensing – information from the RAN on the different environment characteristics
  • Weather information and weather prediction – to understand the evolution of the communication capacity depending on physical environment characteristics
  • Devices active in a specific interest area – understanding the momentary resource consumption in each area
  • Compute and network resources – especially in dynamically deployed environments, it is important to understand if and where the required resources are available

For all of these, there is a need for very accurate positioning as well as for a very accurate and correlated time.

With this information more sophisticated scheduling algorithms can be used, providing a more granular more accurate and less prone to side effects resource allocation.